Singaraja- The Physical Education, Health and Recreation (Penjaskesrek) Study Program, Faculty of Sports and Health, Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) formulates policies at the tertiary level regarding the implementation of independent learning and independent campus programs. This is done through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and workshops offline and online, on Wednesday (11/11/2020). This activity is one of the stages of the program Center of Excellence (CoE), grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
This workshop, which was attended by lecturers and students as well as related institutions, was presented by Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Dantes. The committee chairman, I Made Satyawan, S.Pd., M.Pd., said this activity aims to obtain information and input regarding policies and implementation of independent learning and independent campuses. “Through this, we hope to be able to formulate regulations in the form of independent learning policies and independent campuses at the tertiary level,” he explained.
Head of the CoE Program, Dr. I Ketut Yoda, S.Pd., M.Or., explained that the product of this grant program is in the form of the Chancellor’s regulations regarding the implementation of independent learning campuses, a complete curriculum with tools, and implementation guidelines. “So we formulate standard operational procedures. “Through this workshop, we hope to improve the quality of the draft that has been prepared,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Public Relations, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., who opened the event on behalf of the Chancellor of Undiksha, said that the policy of independent campuses and independent learning launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020 must be welcomed by universities and the study programs within them. “Of course, the activities carried out are very positive because they are a form of support for the implementation of ministry policies,” he said.
It was further explained that in facing this policy, study programs must prepare students who are truly ready to face social change, cultural change, and rapid future changes. “Especially during this pandemic, appropriate policies are needed to answer future challenges that are so complex, so fast. “So universities must move quickly to prepare various policies related to independent campuses and independent learning,” he said.
According to Suastra, study programs need to prepare several things, including adjusting lectures to the world of work and the future. In this case, learning achievement competencies must be considered. “This is an emphasis for the campus because we are facing an uncertain future. “How study programs must prepare strategies to face challenges,” he stressed.
Another step is to strengthen collaboration with other study programs within universities or other tertiary institutions or credible institutions. This is to facilitate the implementation of study programs outside the study program for students for three semesters. “This must be properly prepared. FOK and study programs must also prepare to accept students from outside the study program at Undiksha. Likewise, the study program itself prepares you to enter an external study program. That’s one semester. In the remaining two semesters, you also have to prepare for learning activities outside the university. Can be in universities or companies. Currently, Undiksha students are already taking part in internships. “This program can continue to be developed,” said this academic from Klungkung Regency.
Admittedly, realizing this policy is not easy. Therefore, policies must be formulated well and carefully. “With this, it won’t be difficult for our students to take courses,” he said. Apart from student lectures, there are still programs related to the independent dictionary and independent learning policies. Such as accreditation, increasing the status of higher education institutions, and establishing new study programs. It is hoped that this will continue to receive support from all faculties and study programs. (hms)